Cleaning the life
Nowadays, we are facing a serious problem, the lack of water. In our planet only 1% of water is potable and in our country only 60% of population has access to it. Also, the scientists predict that in 40 or 50 years the water will be inaccessible for a lot of people in the world, but we are wasting the drinking water in bathrooms, washing the car, etc.

Besides, in many countries people are dying by the use of untreatable water. Most of these countries are poor and don’t have money to improve the sanitary conditions. The use of contaminated water causes several diseases and reduce the possibilities for this people to have a good life conditions.
Also we are not aware of taking care of resources, so it is more difficult to change the situation. But we can make a change to ensure a future for new generations and our planet.
So we decided to change it, and we create a gadget to reuse the water.